The Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers

Fellowship, Charity and Craftmanship

Founded in 1623, the Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers is a prestigious livery company that holds a rich heritage and an important role in the City of London. As one of the 111 livery companies that contribute to the unique tapestry of this historic city, we are dedicated to upholding the traditions and values that have been passed down through generations.

Our livery company brings together a diverse group of individuals who share a passion for promoting, fellowship, charity and craftsmanship. With a membership spanning many professions and backgrounds, we foster a supportive and inclusive environment where members can connect, learn, and make a positive impact.

The Company welcomes people from a wide range of backgrounds including those in the trade specialising in the use of gold and silver wire. We are proud of our strong representation from our military affiliations. Should you be interested in joining then contact the Clerk who can advise on the process and costs.


We hold a range of formal and informal social events throughout the year – including dinners, visits  and informal gatherings.  The Young Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers enjoy a particularly vibrant social calendar.


Charitable giving is at the heart of what the Company does. Liverymen make an annual donation to the charitable fund which is managed by a Charity Committee who make recommendations as to which charities to support.


The GSWD has an active programme to support the wire-drawing trade providing bursaries, grants and prizes to craftsmen and women in these fields.  We are proud to have over 40 of these gifted experts as members of the company.